Run the below script in selenium IDE:
Command | Target | Value |
open | / | |
highlight | name=email |
focus | name=email |
type | name=email | you email address as value |
highlight | //input[@value='Submit'] |
focus | //input[@value='Submit'] |
clickAndWait | //input[@value='Submit'] |
waitForPopUp | popupwindow | 30000 |
selectWindow | name=popupwindow |
waitForElementPresent | id=verifyBox |
highlight | id=verifyBox |
focus | id=verifyBox |
storeEval | alert('Enter captcha code manually') |
highlight | //input[@value='Complete Subscription Request'] |
focus | //input[@value='Complete Subscription Request'] |
clickAndWait | //input[@value='Complete Subscription Request'] |
waitForTextPresent | Your request has been accepted! |
verifyTextPresent | Your request has been accepted! |
* Base URL:
In the above script we are submitting email newsletter form on hello selenium.
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