- Open Firefox browser.
- Open selenium IDE from Tools in browser.
- Verify the RECORD button is ON in selenium IDE window.
- Navigate the browser to www.google.co.in
- Verify the title of the page
- Type “helloselenium blog” in Search textbox.
- Click on Search button.
- Verify the title of the page.
- Wait for the search result present for “Hello Selenium” blog
- Verify the search result present for “Hello Selenium” blog.
- Click on search result of “Hello Selenium” blog.
- Verify the title of the page.
- Verify the recorded script in selenium IDE window
Command | Target | Value |
open | / | |
type | id=gbqfq | helloselenium blogspot |
click | id=gbqfb | |
clickAndWait | css=em |
* Base URL:
- Modify the recorded script in selenium IDE window.
Command | Target | Value |
open | / | |
verifyTitle | Google | |
type | id=gbqfq | helloselenium blog |
click | id=gbqfb | |
waitForElementPresent | //em[contains(text(),'Hello Selenium')] | |
verifyTitle | helloselenium blogspot - Google Search | |
clickAndWait | //em[contains(text(),'Hello Selenium')] | |
verifyTitle | Hello Selenium |
* Base URL:
- Save the recorded script.
- Run the recorded script.
In the above script we have added a new row to wait for an element the title of the each page.
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